It`s hard to determine the rate of physical activity in adults, but studies show that 20% to 45% of Americans exercise daily. Use rewards to help your customers “shop” at the beginning of the summary of sample characteristics, exercise type, and the number of evaluations identified for each sample and exercise type. First, the results of the overall analysis showed that initial research on participants` traits, barriers, and facilitators appeared to be crucial to improving exercise adherence in chronic patients in general and the elderly. Specifically, thirty-six reviews identified the importance of assessing participants` previous lifestyle habits prior to participation, as well as their physical and mental health. In addition, 29 evaluations noted that potential barriers and practice facilitators need to be considered prior to program implementation. The next key higher aspect mentioned in twenty-nine articles was to examine participants` preferences and backgrounds in order to improve the integration of exercise into their lifestyle. In addition, twenty-three reviews of program design features found that the development of an individualized training intervention could be a key point in improving adherence rates. Although psychological variables did not achieve such a high level of support in the overall analysis, it appeared that promoting participants` self-efficacy may be the most useful psychological factor for exercise adherence (21 articles). One study47 at high risk of bias provided participants with heart failure with individual graphical feedback related to their exercise goal. They found a significant difference between the number of training sessions completed between a group that received the intervention and a control group at 24 weeks (P<0.01).

Self-efficacy is particularly relevant in chronic patients, as it reflects patients` perception of the ability to control their own lives and achieve their goals. Chronic patients sometimes perceive their illnesses as random and inevitable [36,115], completely out of their control. These feelings can lead to higher levels of helplessness, which refer to a style of attribution characterized by reporting negative events and consequences that are uncontrollable, unpredictable, and immutable .[116] On the other hand, a higher health checkpoint [48,117] will reduce impotence. Patient education is essential to increase self-efficacy and reduce impotence, expand knowledge about what they do and what they can change, and improve overall health [118,119]. In this regard, increasing self-efficacy has the potential to reduce impotence and depressive feelings and increase adherence [69,120]. Technology that would focus on the potential additional benefits or harms of integrating technological devices and applications to perform the exercise intervention. Social support and connectivity, which includes support for peers, employees and family, as well as building positive social interactions and feelings of belonging to a group. Many theories and models have been proposed in various disciplines to explain the phenomenon of “movement observance” [17,18]. Some articles have suggested the need for parallel psychological intervention in addition to the exercise program to help change behavior [19].

Others suggested the benefits of increasing participants` motivation to exercise by paying more attention to the three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and connectivity [20]. Previous studies have also sought to increase adherence to exercise programs by incorporating technological gadgets or suggesting other forms of exercise [21,22]. Some authors have even suggested the convenience of paying people to exercise, as some insurance companies have started, knowing that their clients will be healthier if they are physically active and their income is increased accordingly [23]. .

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